#REVIEW: React 16 – Udemy course

Last Updated:  November 4, 2019 | Published: December 16, 2017

Welcome to my first article in the #REVIEW genre. Today I want to give you a review about a React 16 Udemy course I recently purchased and worked through.

The full name of the course is React 16 – The Complete Guide (incl. React Router 4 & Redux) (Link). The lecturer Maximilian Schwarzmüller published this course about two months ago and the whole course takes about 33 hours to complete. He is using the latest React 16 and React Router 4 version.

During the course, you build a Burger Builder Web application together with Max. This application enables you to create your own burger, purchase it and seeing all your latest orders. The main site looks like the following:

React 16 Udemy Course Application

Topics discussed in the React 16 Udemy Course

At the beginning of the course, the lecturer refreshes some knowledge about ES6 and describes the basic concepts in React. Step-by-step you are guided to the final product with a lot of background information about what you are currently doing. The whole app is developed responsive and is user-friendly on small mobile devices.

For educational reasons Max starts without using Redux for state management and I think this is wanted so his student can feel the ‘pain’ of passing the state through the different components and not having a central store. Later in the course, Max switches to Redux and explains the concepts behind Redux.

The course focuses on the frontend of the application and for storing the data he uses Google Firebase which was quite new to me. In Google Firebase you can create a free account and develop a small application for free. You get a Firebase database which is a NoSQL-Document store and fully accessible through REST interfaces. The React application uses this database during the course for storing the orders. Furthermore, you are able to easily integrate authentication for your app with Google Firebase.

Later in the course, Max uses Google Firebase for the authentication for this React app and secures the app with a registration/login workflow.
At the end of the course, you also learn how to deploy your app to your free space on Firebase.

I deployed my app and added my own DNS name for this. You can find my app here. Try it out and order your own.

I can totally recommend this course for a developer who never worked with React before but also for more experienced developers as Max also discusses deeper topics like Higher Order Components, asynchronous Redux actions and React Router concepts.

With the great educational skills from Max, you get a wide but also deep insight in the React ecosystem. After the course, you are definitely able to build your own Single Page Application with React.

Find further React related blog posts here.

Have fun working with this React 16 Udemy course,

