Jakarta EE 8 CRUD API Tutorial using Java 11

Last Updated:  February 2, 2020 | Published: January 19, 2020

As part of the Jakarta EE Quickstart Tutorials on YouTube, I’ve now created a five-part series to create a Jakarta EE CRUD API. Within the videos, I’m demonstrating how to start using Jakarta EE for your next application. Given the Liberty Maven Plugin and MicroShed Testing, the endpoints are developed using the TDD (Test Driven Development) technique.

The following technologies are used within this short series: Java 11, Jakarta EE 8, Open Liberty, Derby, Flyway, MicroShed Testing & JUnit 5

Part I: Introduction to the application setup

This part covers the following topics:

  • Introduction to the Maven project skeleton
  • Flyway setup for Open Liberty
  • Derby JDBC connection configuration
  • Basic MicroShed Testing setup for TDD

Part II: Developing the endpoint to create entities

This part covers the following topics:

  • First JAX-RS endpoint to create Person entities
  • TDD approach using MicroShed Testing and the Liberty Maven Plugin
  • Store the entities using the EntityManager

Part III: Developing the endpoints to read entities

This part covers the following topics:

  • Develop two JAX-RS endpoints to read entities
  • Read all entities and by its id
  • Handle non-present entities with a different HTTP status code

Part IV: Developing the endpoint to update entities

This part covers the following topics:

  • Develop the JAX-RS endpoint to update entities
  • Update existing entities using HTTP PUT
  • Validate the client payload using Bean Validation

Part V: Developing the endpoint to delete entities

This part covers the following topics:

  • Develop the JAX-RS endpoint to delete entities
  • Enhance the test setup for deterministic and repeatable integration tests
  • Remove the deleted entity from the database

The source code for the Maven CRUD API application is available on GitHub.

For more quickstart tutorials on Jakarta EE, have a look at the overview page on my blog.

Have fun developing Jakarta EE CRUD API applications,


