Recently I had the requirement for rate-limiting access to specific JAX-RS endpoints and to keep track of the user’s current amount of API calls. To solve this problem I asked Adam Bien (@AdamBien) in his monthly Airhacks Q&A about this requirement and he gave me a hint for a possible solution while using the ContainerRequestFilter
interface for filtering access to JAX-RS resources.
In this blog post, I’ll show you how to implement a simple user-based rate-limiting for a JAX-RS endpoint. I’ll deploy the application to Payara and make use of Payara’s in-memory H2 database to store the available users and their current/max API budget. To secure the resource I’ll use the JSR-375 (Java EE Security API) and define an IdentitiyStore
based on a database.
Please note: The provided example contains a database to store information about the rate-limiting. This might not be fast or scalable enough for your use case. Consider using a cache or an in-memory approach instead.
JAX-RS application setup
Let’s start with the JAX-RS resource we want to secure. In our example, I am defining one resource which is available under /resources/stocks
and returns a hard-coded stock price for Google’s Alphabet share:
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@Path("stocks") public class StockResource { @GET @RolesAllowed("USER") public Response getAllStocks() { JsonObject json = Json.createObjectBuilder().add("name", "Alphabet Inc.").add("price", 1220.5).build(); return Response.ok(json.toString()).build(); } } |
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@ApplicationPath("/resources") public class JAXRSApplication extends Application { } |
Next, we need @RolesAllowed
to only allow users with the role USER to access this endpoint. Unkown users will therefor get a 401 Unauthorized HTTP Status and won’t have access to this endpoint.
To define the IdentityStore
and the authentication mechanism I make use of some annotations from the new Java EE Security API and define a configuration class:
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@DatabaseIdentityStoreDefinition( dataSourceLookup = "jdbc/__default", callerQuery = "SELECT password FROM user WHERE username = ?", groupsQuery = "SELECT role FROM user_roles where username = ?", hashAlgorithm = Pbkdf2PasswordHash.class ) @BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition @DeclareRoles({"USER", "ADMIN"}) @ApplicationScoped public class ApplicationSecurityConfig { } |
The first annotation is responsible for setting up the IdentityStore
based on the provided configurations. I am using Payara’s default data source and define the required SQL statements for validating an incoming user and for retrieving its roles. In addition, I am selecting the hash algorithm which should be used for hashing the passwords (Pbkdf2PasswordHash
is the default algorithm).
Next, the second annotation is for configuring the authentication mechanism. For simplification, I decided to use a @BasicAuthenticationMechanismDefinition
but there is also a form-based or a custom mechanism available.
Furthermore, we use the third annotation to define the available roles for the application’s context.
Prepare the database to store rate-limiting information
For storing the user information in the database I modeled two JPA entities: User and UserRoles (the table design is not a best practice as I denormalized the database structure, so don’t use this at home):
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@Entity public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private String username; private String password; private long amountOfApiCalls = 0; private long maxApiCallsPerMinute = 10; // getter & setter } |
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@Entity @Table(name = "user_roles") public class UserRoles { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private Long id; private String username; private String role; // getter & setter } |
The User table contains two columns for storing the current amount of API calls and the maximum amount of API calls within a minute.
For a quick setup of pre-defined users and roles I am inserting some users on the application’s startup:
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@Singleton @Startup public class DatabaseSetup { @Inject Pbkdf2PasswordHash pbkdf2PasswordHash; @Resource(lookup = "java:comp/DefaultDataSource") DataSource dataSource; @PostConstruct public void initDefaultUser() { executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user (id, username, password, amountOfApiCalls, maxApiCallsPerMinute) VALUES " + "(1, 'rieckpil', '" + this.pbkdf2PasswordHash.generate("HelloWorld".toCharArray()) + "', 0, 10)"); executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user (id, username, password, amountOfApiCalls, maxApiCallsPerMinute) VALUES " + "(2, 'duke', '" + this.pbkdf2PasswordHash.generate("HelloWorld".toCharArray()) + "', 0, 5)"); executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user (id, username, password, amountOfApiCalls, maxApiCallsPerMinute) VALUES " + "(3, 'john', '" + this.pbkdf2PasswordHash.generate("HelloWorld".toCharArray()) + "', 0, 1)"); executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user_roles (id, username, role) VALUES (1, 'rieckpil', 'USER')"); executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user_roles (id, username, role) VALUES (2, 'rieckpil', 'ADMIN')"); executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user_roles (id, username, role) VALUES (3, 'duke', 'USER')"); executeUpdate("INSERT INTO user_roles (id, username, role) VALUES (4, 'john', 'USER')"); System.out.println("Successfully initialized database with default user"); } private void executeUpdate(String query) { try { this.dataSource.getConnection().createStatement().executeUpdate(query); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("unable to setup database"); } } } |
The Pbkdf2PasswordHash
is available through CDI and can be used anywhere in your code to create a new hash or verify an incoming hash.
For re-setting the API budget for every user, I am using an EJB timer to schedule this task every minute:
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@Singleton @Startup public class ApiBudgetRefresher { @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; @Schedule(minute = "*", hour = "*", persistent = false) public void updateApiBudget() { System.out.println("-- refreshing API budget for all users"); List<User> userList = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u", User.class).getResultList(); for (User user : userList) { user.setAmountOfApiCalls(0); } System.out.println("-- successfully refreshed API budget for all users"); } } |
Rate-limiting the access with a JAX-RS filter
Now comes the interesting part for the implementation of the ContainerRequestFilter
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@Provider public class RateLimitingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter { @PersistenceContext EntityManager entityManager; @Transactional @Override public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException { SecurityContext securityContext = requestContext.getSecurityContext(); String username = securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName(); User user = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.username=:username", User.class).setParameter( "username", username).getSingleResult(); if (user.getAmountOfApiCalls() >= user.getMaxApiCallsPerMinute()) { requestContext.abortWith(Response.status(Response.Status.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS).build()); } user.setAmountOfApiCalls(user.getAmountOfApiCalls() + 1); System.out.println(user); } } |
The class provides an implementation for the filter()
method and is recognized from JAX-RS through the @Provider
annotation. To update all current users I am injecting the EntityManager
to this filter. As this is not an EJB we need the @Transactional
annotation here to explicitly wrap this code in a transaction. The code will first retrieve the username from the Principal. In addition, we’ll then check if the current budget of the user allows a new API call. If there is not enough budget the filter returns with an HTTP Status code 429 – Too Many Requests.
Accessing the endpoint with the credentials for rieckpil as a base64 encoded string less than eleven times will result in a valid result:
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$ curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic cmllY2twaWw6SGVsbG9Xb3JsZA==' http://localhost:8080/api-rate-limiting/resources/stocks HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Payara Server 5.182 #badassfish X-Powered-By: Servlet/4.0 JSP/2.3 (Payara Server 5.182 #badassfish Java/Oracle Corporation/1.8) Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 39 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN {"name":"Alphabet Inc.","price":1220.5} |
After the tenth API call, the user will get the following result and has to wait one minute:
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$ curl -i -H 'Authorization: Basic cmllY2twaWw6SGVsbG9Xb3JsZA==' http://localhost:8080/api-rate-limiting/resources/stocks HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests Server: Payara Server 5.182 #badassfish X-Powered-By: Servlet/4.0 JSP/2.3 (Payara Server 5.182 #badassfish Java/Oracle Corporation/1.8) Content-Language: Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 1100 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN // error HTML page |
You can try this example on your local machine as I provided a Docker image in the GitHub repository.
If you are new to JAX-RS, start with this introduction. For further JAX-RS examples, have a look at the following overview page.
Happy rate-limiting with JAX-RS,