The more our project and test suite grow, the longer the feedback loop becomes. Fortunately, there are techniques available to speed up

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Postponing a (major) dependency update for too long can harm our productivity in the long run as we might not be able

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When running our Java tests with Maven they usually produce a lot of noise in the console. While this log output can

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Starting with a new programming language is always exciting. However, it can be overwhelming as we have to get comfortable with the

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I was recently wasting time and energy to get the CI pipelines for my two main GitHub repositories working with Travis CI.

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Short feedback cycles during development are essential for your productivity. If you practice TDD you'll agree on this even more. In the

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Manually creating a new Maven project is cumbersome. Most companies have a set of shared libraries (e.g., security, encryption, or payment) and

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Bootstrapping a new JSF can be quite cumbersome if you are new to Java EE. Even after weeks of training, I had

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Manually creating a new Java EE Maven project can be quite cumbersome. Creating all required folders and files for a simple JAX-RS

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