When writing integration tests with Testcontainers, a significant portion of the code gets dedicated to declaring, configuring, and starting the required container

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Caching has become an essential part in modern web applications. It helps us to reduce the load on an underlying datasource, reduces

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Prerequisites for Writing Integration TestsSo far, we've tested several parts of our application that doesn't need any external setup. Well, that's not entirely

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Testcontainers offers several initialization strategies for our Docker containers when writing integration tests. Depending on the Docker image we use for our

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MongoDB is one of the NoSQL databases that Spring Boot offers great testing support for. Like all other test slice annotations from

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Good old web tests – extremely valuable, sometimes hard to maintain, and annoying once they get flaky. If you are familiar with

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Hint on Using Docker Compose with TestcontainersWhile technically possible, I'd now (based on my experience in the last years) favor separate Testcontainers

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Recently I introduced Testcontainers for a Kotlin based Spring Boot application. I jumped right into the setup and immediately ran into an

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Further resources on Testcontainers​Different ways of setting up Testcontainers with Spring BootTestcontainers Homepage

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