Deploy Spring Boot Applications With More Confidence and Fewer Regressions

Learn How to Master Automated Testing and Become More Productive & Confident with the Testing Spring Boot Application Masterclass

Before taking this Online Course

Before Taking the Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass
  • You're Most Likely Have a Cargo-Cult Testing Approach
  • You're Testing Your Application Because You Have to Reach a Specific Coverage Treshold Goal
  • You're Frustrated with the Little Content & Articles About Testing Spring Boot Application Effectively
  • You've Lacking Guidance and Recipes for Testing Your Real-World Applications
  • Firefighting Mode and Jumping from one Bugfix to Another
  • You're Working with a Brittle and Untested Codebase

After taking this Online Course

  • You Have an In-Depth Knowledge About Testing Spring Boot applications
  • You have Recipes and Best Practices for Unit, Integration, and End-to-End Testing
  • Testing Is No Longer an Afterthought for You
  • You Can Fearlessly Refactor Code
  • Production Deployments are No Longer a Hit Release and Pray
  • You Know the Pitfalls Of Testing Spring Boot Applications

TL;DR: This online course is a deep-dive on effectively writing unit, integration, and end-to-end tests for Spring Boot applications to become more confident and productive.

Anniversary Offer: 30% Discount & Free TDD with Spring Boot Done Right Course Enrolment


Knowing How to Effectively Test Separates the Serious Engineer from a Hobby Developer

“Quality is not an act. It is a habit.” – Aristotle

Do you remember writing your first Spring Boot application? You were excited that you now finally expose data via an API and can connect to a database.

Testing your application was the last thing you could think of at this moment.

Once you start using Spring Boot in a professional environment there is no way around testing. Testing your application gives you confidence, fearless deployments on Friday afternoons and a good night of sleep.

Most tutorials and courses about testing barely go beyond the Hello World example of testing a calculator.

This does not prepare you for the real world where your application faces database access, external systems, messaging system, network, etc.

There are so many great libraries and techniques out there for the Java ecosystem when it comes to testing. Mastering them all, right after you understand the basics about Spring Boot, is hard.

Testing is joyful once you are familiar with all the great tools you have access to: JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Hamcrest, JsonPath, JSONAssert, Testcontainers, Selenium, LocalStack, Awaitility, and not to forget the whole Spring Testing support.

Especially with Spring Boot you get so much functionality when it comes to testing. What you need are recipes to tackle testing different parts of your applications and then apply them.

This Testing Spring Boot applications Masterclass is all about making you an expert when it comes to testing Spring Boot applications in an efficient way.

All You Need to Know About Testing
Spring Boot Applications

The number of testing libraries is huge in the Java ecosystem. One might get overwhelmed with all the different solutions. 

This online Masterclass guides you through every testing library you need to verify your Spring Boot application is working as expected.

After working with this course, you not only have recipes at hand to test different parts of your application, but you are also familiar with industry best practice.

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Watch Four Preview Lessons of the Masterclass

Subscribe to the newsletter and I'll send you four Masterclass preview lessons from different modules to your inbox

Enroll now and never worry about testing your Spring Boot application again! All content is up-to-date with Spring Boot 3 and Java 21.

Anniversary Offer: 30% Discount & Free TDD Course Enrolment

Your Journey to More Confident Releases

Testing Spring Boot Applications Course Map

Stop The Firefighting Mode

Whether you just started with Spring Boot or are already using it in several projects, this Spring Boot Testing Masterclass guides you through all relevant parts of testing Spring Boot applications.

Understand What and How to Test

You are unsure which parts of your application to test? There is a good chance that you are not focusing on the relevant parts of your application you should test.

Go Beyond Trivial Unit Testing

After working with this course you'll have recipes at hand to test all non-trivial parts of your application like database access, HTTP communication, using cloud services (e.g. SQS from AWS), etc.

Master Different Testing Libraries

Not only will you be able to use all presented testing libraries for your application, but also understand what they are about and when to use which. Knowing when to use which library is a key skill.

Testing Best Practices

This Masterclass includes an own section about industry best practices for testing applications. Make use of knowledge from years of writing tests for enterprise applications.

Here’s What Course Students Say About This Masterclass

Wim Deblauwe Course Student

Wim Deblauwe

Software Engineer - Homepage

Philip has made a fantastic overview of the full testing landscape of Spring. The videos are clear and explain details and common pitfalls in great depth. Looking forward to the rest of the course.

PS: Wim is also book author of Taming Thymeleaf and Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot.

Anton Ždanov Full Stack Developer

Anton Ždanov

Full Stack Developer - LinkedIn

For me testing a Spring application seemed like a challenge involving digging through numerous blog posts, documentation for JUnit, Mockito, and Spring Testing Reference which provide valuable information but are spread out and don't necessarily show the best practices.

After watching the Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass course I feel more confident in writing different types of tests for my apps. The course, videos, and the GitHub repository were of invaluable use to me demonstrating various testing mechanics the Spring ecosystem provides, and I will keep referencing the course materials in the future.

The application that is tested in the course is quite complex and covers a lot of real-world testing challenges one might encounter, which I found immensely useful for seeing the bigger picture.

Siva Course Student


Software Engineer and Blogger working for AtomicJar (company behind Testcontainers)

Detailed review of the Masterclass on his blog

I got an opportunity to review the course I find it wonderful for learning how to test Spring Boot applications leveraging modern testing frameworks and libraries....

I would highly recommend Masterclass for anybody working with Spring Boot applications.

Read the full review here.

What You'll Learn

Overview of the different Masterclass Modules


Module 1: Introduction 

We'll start with an application walk-through, to get you familiar with the code base we test throughout the Masterclass.

At the end of this module you'll be able to start the Book Reviewr application and its infrastructure components on your machine.


Module 2: Testing With the Spring Boot Starter Test

Getting familiar with the swiss-army knife that every Spring Boot project includes: Spring Boot Starter Test.

We'll cover all testing libraries that come with this starter and take a detailed look into testing with JUnit 5 and mocking with Mockito.


Module 3: Testing Database Access

Start writing efficient tests for your database layer while utilizing Spring Boot test features like @DataJpaTest, TestEntityManager, @Sql, etc.

Furthermore, with this module you'll start using Testcontainers to replace the default in-memory database, learn how you can pre-populate your database, and understand the pitfalls when writing tests where the EntityManger is involved.


Module 4: Testing the Web Layer

MockMvc to the rescue!

Learn how to effectively test your web-layer (@RestController and @Controller) in isolation. You have your endpoints secured with Spring Security? No problem! There is great support available to ensure only authenticated users with the correct privileges reach your endpoints.


Module 5: Testing Further Slices of our Application

Ever wanted to know how to test your WebClient or RestTemplate HTTP calls? How to ensure your business logic is working as expected and how to verify your messaging controllers?

In this module, we'll tackle further slices to effectively test different parts of our application in isolation. In addition, we'll write our own test slice.


Module 6: Writing Tests With the Whole Spring Context

It's time to write integration tests using @SpringBootTest!

With the knowledge of previous modules, we can mock almost any external infrastructure component, except Keycloak. We'll introduce WireMock to mock the HTTP interaction with the identity provider or any other system during application startup (e.g. Salesforce, Stripe, SAP, etc.).


Module 7: Writing Web Tests

Writing end-to-end tests to ensure users can interact with your application.

Having automated web-tests for your happy-paths can literally save your ass. We'll make the most of Selenium and Selenide by verifying the Book Reviwr application without any manual WebDriver setup (including VNC recording, screenshots on failure, etc.).


Module 8: Testing Best Practices

Build tool configuration, test strategies, naming strategies, testing static methods, working with time, test report visualization within your CI (e.g. Jenkins, GitLab CI, Azure DevOps) server, etc.

... and last but not least: Drastically reduce your build times with Spring's Context Caching mechanism.

Follow me on:

Your The Course Instructor:


Philip works as an independent IT consultant in Germany. He started working with Java back in 2015 and I used Spring Boot ever since. Automated testing was always one of his biggest pain points as he didn't know how to tackle is.

As of today, testing is an integral part of his daily work.

Philip is teaching Java topics on YouTube since 2018 and is writing content about the Java ecosystem on my blog since 2017.

More than 10.000 course students have enrolled his my online courses. Besides that, he's also actively helping developers on Stack Overflow (10k+ reputation) with their questions around testing Java applications.

Once he understood the ins and outs of the Java testing landscape, writing tests makes as much fun as writing production code for me. He's a won around TDD (Test Driven Development) practitioner and regularly share testing techniques among my colleagues and clients.

Philip's Recent Spring Boot Testing Conference Talks

Learn More About the Course Instructor and Spring Boot Testing Expert Philip

Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Testing Spring Boot Applications

Testing is an integral part of software development, and unfortunately, some teams treat this topic neglectfully.

This talk will give you an overview of best practices, pitfalls, and recipes for testing Spring Boot applications.

Philip shares the things that he wish he had known when he started testing Spring Boot applications.

Watch the talk on YouTube.

How Fixing a Broken Window Cut Down Our Build Time
By 50%

Our journey of getting rid of @DirtiesContext on top of an abstract test class (aka. the "broken window") that made reusing the Spring TestContext impossible and resulted in ever-growing build times.

After fixing this "broken window", our overall build time went down by 50% from 25 to 12 minutes.

Watch the talk on YouTube.

Here’s What Other Content Creator Are Saying About the Course Instructor

Tom Hombergs

Tom Hombergs

Founder of

Philip is a dedicated developer and doesn't give up until he has understood the details of a topic.

In his courses and articles, he transfers this knowledge to you and they leave you smarter than before. 

Looking forward to working with you in the future, Philip

Vlad Mihalcea

Vlad Mihalcea

Founder of

Philip is a very skilled content creator who managed to publish high quality articles and videos that cover a wide range of topics, like Spring, Java EE, or Jakarta EE.

He pays a lot of attention to details, so if you enjoyed his articles and videos, you are surely going to love his video courses.

Marco Behler

Marco Behler

Founder of

How can you not love what Philip is doing?

Tons of actionable tutorials and content across the Spring universes. 

Highly recommended!

Testimonials from Course Finisher

It has been months that I have been searching for real-world examples where I can see how TDD is applied in practice with Spring. This is probably the best resource that I got in this regard. All other resources talk about building calculator with TDD and that does limited help when building web applications.

Siddharth Goel

This is a very nice course, I learnt a lot about different test slices. I can't wait to take the master class course


This course is quite dangerous as it will leave you expecting the same level of high-quality material from every other course you take going forward. Many thanks for creating this course.

Mudi Lukman

That was a great course to follow, thank you for your efforts.

Hamza Dabaghi

Great hands learning with TDD.I enjoyed it!

Ercument Guven

A very comprehensive introduction to testing spring applications at different levels of the test pyramid. Would recommend the course.

David Smiles

The depth and completeness of the content truly stands out. Exceptional content with comprehensive coverage and rich examples about JUnit5, Mockito and Spring Boot Testing.

Xavier Escudero

this course really worth the time. I feel now really more professional and confident when It comes as a Java and Spring Boot developer

Francisco Thiago

Thanks Philip!, a great course I enjoyed very much.

As I was thinking for future courses if you have time and need some ideas, I'd probably think about an in-depth testcontainers course, with all the twisting details when we use in CICD platforms, cache context and testcontainers,etc,.



Everything about testing and more covered in this course. Amazing!!

Ercument Guven

Great Course. I am now fully equipped to test my Spring Boot Applications !

Walter Mangra

As a Java developer I have used Mockito on a regular basis and was well aware of some of the content covered. But I must say your course was able to fill some of the missing gaps in my Mockito know how. Thanks...

Walter Mangra

One of the best courses I've had.
Practical real-life examples with a very clear explanation.
Thanks Philip!

Zayed Alabbad

Great course and content. The best I know!

Xavier Escudero

Nice course about testing in Java
Awesome and the best resource to reach the next level in Java development


Why You MUST Invest Time in Learning How to Test Spring Boot Applications

When was your last outage or downtime caused by a bug that could have been prevented with a test? How much did your company lost in direct revenue or indirectly by losing customer satisfaction? How less productive are you and your coworkers because of missing automated tests?

Putting in numbers is hard, but I guess every minute a non-trivial application is not working as expected results in costs or lost revenue of $100.000+.

On the other side, consider how uncertainty paralyses you when you want to refactor an existing code base that lacks tests. Or you are new to a project and want to introduce a new feature. Testing things afterwards manually is a cumbersome and repetitive tasks. 

We, as engineers, are lucky to have tools around us that can automate such cumbersome and repetitive tasks. So let's start using them by learning how to effectively test our applications.

Once you know your testing toolkit, writing tests becomes joyful.

Your Path Towards More Confidence & Productivity

Introduction to the Masterclass



Getting Started

Keeping the Course Content Up-to-Date


Spring Boot 3 Migration

Application Setup


Setup for Java Development

Infrastructure Setup With Docker Compose

Application Walkthrough


Application Architecture

Maven Dependencies

Flyway Migration Scripts

Application Configuration

AWS SDK Overrides

Introduction to the Backend Code

Keycloak Configuration Walkthrough

Application Walkthrough

Testing With the Spring Boot Starter Test

Introduction to the Spring Boot Starter Test Dependency


Anatomy of the dependency

Managing library versions

Introduction to JUnit 5


Writing Your First Test With JUnit 5

Verify the Test Outcome With Assertions

Lifecycle of a Test

More on Assertions

Specifying the Name of a Test

Write Parameterized Tests

Your First JUnit 5 Extension

Happy-Path Testing

Parallelization of Tests

Introduction to Mockito


Introduction to the Class Under Test

Mocking Method Calls With Mockito

Your First Test With Mockito

Mocking the Behaviour of the Repository

Instrumenting a Mock to Throw an Exception

Full Happy-Path Test With Mockito

Capture Method Arguments and Verify Invocations

Additional Test Libraries of the Starter


Introduction to Hamcrest

Introduction to AssertJ

Introduction to JSONAssert

Introduction to JsonPath

Spring Boot Starter Test Summary


Spring Boot Starter Test Conference Talk

Testing Database Access

The Secret Weapon to Test Your Database Layer: @DataJpaTest


Introduction to the JPA Domain Model

What to Test When Using Spring Data JPA

Start Using @DataJpaTest

Resolving context startup errors

Why and When to Use the TestEntityManager

Pitfalls of the First Level Cache

Transactional Support

Using P6SPY for More Insights

Replacing the In-Memory Database


The Rationale Behind Not Using In-Memory Databases

Using Testcontainers for the First Time

Managing the Lifecycle of a Container

Improve Build Times by Reusing Containers

Solutions to Pre-Populate Your Database

Testing the Native Query

Recap of the Database Access Module

Testing the Web Layer

The Secret Weapon to Test Your Web Layer


Why Unit Tests Are Not Enough

Introduction to @WebMvcTest

Getting the Setup Right

Defining On Which Level to Mock

Your First Test With @WebMvcTest

More Tests for the BookController

Advanced Usage


Introduction to the ReviewController

Verifying the First Behavior

Testing the First Secured Endpoint

Additional Ways to Provide Authentication

Happy-Path Testing For Creating Reviews

Ensure We Validate Incoming Reviews

Access to Role-Based Secured Endpoints

Recap and Learnings of This Module

Testing Further Slices of Our Application

Testing HTTP Clients Using the RestTemplate


Introduction to Testing HTTP Clients

The Power of @RestClientTest

First Test Using the MockRestServiceServer

More Assertions for the Happy-Path

Handling Partial Responses

Test a Failure of the Remote System

More Expectations on the HTTP Request

Testing HTTP Clients Using the WebClient


Required Setup for the MockWebServer

Testing the Happy-Path Using MockWebServer

Verify Behavior on Partial Responses

Testing Failure of the Remote System

Implement and Test Retry Mechanism for More Resiliency

Testing Business Logic in Isolation


Which Logic to Verify

Getting the Setup Right for Testing the ReviewService

Verify the First Error Scenario

Ensure We Don't Store Reviews With Bad Quality

Happy-Path Testing For Storing a Review

Testing a Custom Application Slice


Choosing the Application Part for Isolated Testing

Introduction to LocalStack

Creating a Spring Application Context With Only One Message Listener

Understanding the Spring Cloud AWS Auto Configuration

Overriding the AWS SQS Client

Creating a Local SQS Queue and Applying the Configuration

Happy-Path Testing For the Whole Listener Process

New Spring Cloud AWS Sliced Test Context Annotation

Recap on How to Create a Sliced Spring Context for Testing

Writing Tests With the Whole Spring Context

Remaining Setup to Start the Whole Spring Boot Application


What's Currently Missing to Start the Whole Context

Creating an Integration Test Profile

First Try to Start the Whole Context

Introducing WireMock to Mock HTTP Communication

Creating an ApplicationContextInitializer for WireMock

Mocking the OpenID Configuration Response

Mocking the JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) Response

Making Use Of the WebTestClient to Access the Backend

Creating a Valid JWT to Access Our Endpoints

Writing Integration Tests for Our Application


Verifying the Book Synchronization Process

Refactor Our WebClient to Mock the HTTP Response

Extract Integration Test Setup to a Central Place

Ensure Users Can Create Reviews

Develop the Missing API Endpoint Test-Driven (TDD)

Test the Statistics Endpoint With Reviews From Multiple Users

Recap of This Module About Integration Tests

Writing Web Tests

Providing the Whole Application Infrastructure


What's Missing Compared to Writing Integration Tests

Creating a Web Test Application Profile

Using Testcontainers to Start the Docker Compose Environment

Using Selenide to Write Concise Web Tests

Writing the First Test With Selenide

Making Screenshots During Test Execution

Further Hints on the Web Test Setup

Using Testcontainers With Selenide

Recording the Web Test With a Video

Test the Happy-Path User Journey


Inserting Reviews During the Web Test

Verifying the Outcome of the Test

Refactoring the Test to Page Objects

Recap on Writing Web Tests

Testing Best Practices

Naming and Test Strategies


Defining Your Own Test Strategy

Naming Conventions for Your Tests

Build Tool Configuration


Maven Surefire and Failsafe Plugin Configuration

Visualizing Test Results Within a CI Server

Reduce Build Times With Spring's Context Caching


Introduction to Context Caching

Context Caching in Action

Making the Most Of Spring's Context Caching

Further Best Practices for Context Caching

General Testing Advices


Working With Time

Mocking Static Method Calls

Using GitHub Actions for Your Project

Next Steps

Thank You for Completing the Masterclass

Detailed Module Overview

Discover what we're discussing in the eight modules of the Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass.

  • Course application walk-through (Book Reviewr)
  • Understand the AWS setup for this application
  • Get to know the OAuth2 setup of the application using Keycloak
  • Effectively test your web-layer in isolation using @WebMvcTest
  • Test protected controller endpoints with ease
  • Write tests against a mocked Servlet environment using MockMvc
  • Get rid of manual WebDriver setup efforts (Testcontainers & Selenide)
  • Record the web test and make screenshots on-demand
  • Start a Docker Compose environment for your end-to-end test
  • Discover all testing libraries that the Spring Boot Starter Test includes
  • Getting started with JUnit 5 (parallelization, custom extensions, etc.)  
  • Writing assertions for JSON payloads using JSONAssert & JsonPath
  • Write tests for HTTP clients (e.g. WebClient or RestTemplate)
  • Testing business logic in isolation
  • Write custom test slices e.g. for the SQS subscriber and include only relevant beans to the Spring Test Context 
  • General tips & tricks around testing
  • Making the most of Spring's Context caching to speed up your tests
  • Practical advice for your test structure & naming conventions
  • Writing isolated tests for your database layer using @DataJpaTest
  • Pitfalls when writing tests with the EntityManger
  • Use Testcontainers to write tests against your database
  • Mock components that are required during application startup (e.g. identity provider, Salesforce, external APIs, etc.)
  • How to structure and what to write  integration tests for 
  • Mock Keycloak or any other OAuth2 identity provider

What this Masterclass Is All About

This Masterclass is ...

  • An in-depth course on testing Spring Boot applications
  • Your go-to resource for hands-on unit, integration, and end-to-end testing recipes and best practices
  • A comprehensive guide on how to use testing tools and libraries for testing modern microservices
  • A place to understand how testing Spring Boot applications work
  • Your excuse-killer for writing no tests as you'll joyfully write them once you know the HOW

The Masterclass is not ...

  • A course on developing microservices
  • A course on mastering TDD (TDD is covered here)
  • A course on testing or developing frontend applications
  • A beginner-friendly course for Java and Spring Boot newcomers. You should have some basic experience with those technologies
  • A course to be rushed through while multi-tasking in parallel 

The Masterclass in Numbers




Course Lessons


On-Demand Video Content

Sneak Peek of the Course Application

A central goal of this online course is to teach testing Spring Boot applications based on a real-world application

Everyone can teach unit testing by testing a MyCalculator Java class. Things get difficult once you have to write integration tests that interact with infrastructure like databases or external systems.

We won't develop the course application from scratch as we're focussing on writing automated tests for it.

  • Self-contained system with Spring Boot (Java) & a SPA with React (TypeScript)
  • Domain: Entering reviews for books, getting review statistics and managing reviews
  • Interaction with a database (PostgreSQL), a messaging queue (Amazon SQS), and a remote system (HTTP)
Book Reviwer Technical Architecture
  • The testing recipes can be applied to any other database or messaging queue
  • Focus on today's microservice-based architectures
  • Covering tests with OAuth2, OpenID Connect, Spring Security, Keycloak, etc.

Deploy Changes with Confidence

Below you see one of the final end-to-end tests we're going to write to verify the most important user journey of the Book Reviewr application.

Testcontainers VNC Recording End-to-End test
Write Meaningful Tests

There's a lot of cargo cult when it comes to testing. With this course, you'll learn which parts of your Spring Boot application you need to cover with unit, integration, and end-to-end tests.

Hands-On Testing for Real-World Applications

The current trend toward microservice-based architectures and cloud deployments brings more challenges for effectively testing our application. You'll learn various testing patterns that you can immediately apply to your day-to-day projects.

Best Practices & Testing Recipes

Enrich your skillset as a software developer and become a more valuable team member by learning the best practices and recipes for testing Spring Boot applications.

Testimonials from Exisiting Course Students
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review
Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Review



Advanced testing online course with real-world examples.


Single-User License

30% Discount Promotion (Base Price: 269€)

Best suited for: Self-paced learners with existing testing knowledge.

  • 130+ English course lessons with more than 10 hours of content
  • English subtitles for all lessons
  • Certificate of Completion for your CV
  • Advanced testing techniques using Testcontainers, LocalStack, WireMock, Awaitility, Selenide, etc.
  • Access to the real-world course application source code
  • Lifetime access to all eight modules of the Masterclass with free updates

Most Common Choice in 2024


Online Course, eBook and access to the Slack community for Q&A.


Single-User License

30% Discount Promotion (Base Price: 412€)

Best suited for: Developers with the need for additional accountability.

  • All perks and benefits of the online course edition
  • Access to the private Discord course channel for accountability and Q&A exchange with the instructor and other course students
  • Complementary eBook as a reference and for quick testing recipe lookups
  • Comment feature enabled: Get direct feedback when questions arise

Plus: Time-Limited Add-Ons


Bundle edition plus private 1:1 coaching sessions with the course instructor.


Single-User License

30% Discount Promotion (Base Price: 1280€)

Best suited for: Developers with the need for extra coaching.

  • All perks and benefits of the bundle edition
  • Two hour private 1:1 coaching call budget with the course instructor
  • Discuss offtopic testing difficulties for your own projects
  • Offline download of all lessons as .mp4 files

FYI: You'll find the final discounted price at the bottom of the following checkout page.

Maximizing Your Company's Annual Training Budget: Many organizations allocate a specific annual budget for employee training. Should you, your manager, or the procurement department require additional information or have any queries, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Find more pre-sales questions & answers in the FAQ.


Time-Limited Offer: Free Testing Resources

If you decide to enrol for the Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass Bundle or Coaching Edition, you'll get three (3!) additional testing-related resources on top for free.

This makes it the perfect testing bundle to kickstart your testing success.


Bonus 1
Test-Driven-Development (TDD) with Spring Boot Done Right

TDD with Spring Boot Done Right Online Course

With TDD with Spring Boot Done Right, you'll learn how to effectively use test-driven development for your Spring Boot application to boost your productivity and confidence.

  • No Fluff Examples to learn TDD (No Calculator/Hello World Examples)
  • Beyond The Basics of Using TDD
  • Real-World Examples, Going Beyond Trivial Unit Tests
  • Productivity Boost When Applied Correctly

This online course is sold individually for 99€.

Bonus 2
Hands On Mocking With Mockito Course
Hands-On Mocking with Mockito Online Course

Learn the ins-and-outs of the most popular mocking framework for Java applications build a solid foundation for your testing success.

  • Covering basic & advanced features of Mockito
  • Price: 39€
  • Course length: 27 course lessons
  • More information
Bonus 3
Testing Tools Book
30 Testing Tools and Libraries Every Java Developer Must Know eBook

Get a full overview of the Java testing ecosystem: test runner, assertion libraries, mocking frameworks, performance testing etc.

  • Enrich your testing toolbox as a Java developer
  • Price: 29€
  • Currently 20/30 tools & libraries are covered
  • More information

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 60-Days

You are not satisfied with the content of the Masterclass? No problem!

Contact us ([email protected]) within 60 days after you got access to the Masterclass and we'll send you a refund.

No questions asked.

The only exception to this rule: If you've booked the coaching edition and already jumped on a call with us, we can only refund the price of the online course.

Don’t Wait! Look at What Past Students Have to Say About This Course

Michal Kupisinski

Michal Kupisiński

Professional IT Trainer - GitHub

Testimonial as a comment on the last course video

Philip, thank you very much for this course. It’s really great and full of valuable knowledge, examples, tips and good practices. It was a pleasure to learn from your experience.

Your course is very comprehensive and there’s a need to spend a lot of time to complete it but it’s worth every minute. To be exact I believe that after those many hours I saved weeks or months of self-learning.

Anton Ždanov Full Stack Developer

Anton Ždanov

Full Stack Developer - LinkedIn

Testimonial via email

For me testing a Spring application seemed like a challenge involving digging through numerous blog posts, documentation for JUnit, Mockito, and Spring Testing Reference which provide valuable information but are spread out and don't necessarily show the best practices.

After watching the Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass course I feel more confident in writing different types of tests for my apps. The course, videos, and the GitHub repository were of invaluable use to me demonstrating various testing mechanics the Spring ecosystem provides, and I will keep referencing the course materials in the future.

P.S. The application that is tested in the course is quite complex and covers a lot of real-world testing challenges one might encounter, which I found immensely useful for seeing the bigger picture.

Björn Wilmsmann

Björn Wilsmann

Independent IT Consultant - Homepage

Detailed review of the Masterclass on his blog

The course is highly recommended for Spring Boot developers who want to move beyond basic unit testing and get familiar with both best practices and various testing frameworks and approaches.

Enrich Your CV With the Certificate of Completion

Share the certificate of completion on your LinkedIn profile, download it as a PDF or share it on social media.

Sample Certificate of Completion

New to Testing Spring Boot Applications?

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take to Complete the Courses?

As I recommend to code in parallel, I assume it takes you about 10 hours in total to work through this Masterclass and get the most of it.

Can I Get a Refund?

Yes, we offer a 60-days money-back guarantee for both the eBook and the online course.

If you've booked the coaching edition and already jumped on a call with me, the money-back guarantee expires.

What Is the Difference Between the Editions?

As every course student's skill level and preferred learning type is different, I want to offer several starting points to master Testing Spring Boot Applications.

In a nutshell:

Online Course Edition: Comprehensive online course with concise and short (5-15 minutes) video lessons. If you prefer a visual and (or) auditory learning style, this should be your edition of choice.

Bundle Edition: Adding a text/plain version of the Masterclass and access to the private Slack workspace to the mix (on top of the online course). This is the recommended edition for self-pace learning .

Coaching Edition: On top of the bundle edition, you'll get four hours of private coaching. You can use this time to get feedback on your current test strategy, get help for a particular test setup, or even  pair program your tests with the course instructor.

Please not that all perks and benefits are included from a lower tier. So if you purchase the Coaching Edition, you'll get all benefits of the Bundle Edition which itself includes all perks of the Online Course Edition.

Can I Upgrade to Another Edition?


Just drop me a message whether you want to upgrade to the Bundle or Coaching edition and I'll create a personalized coupon code for you.

Is This Course For Me?

You are a Java developer, work with the Spring framework and want to write tests with joy?

Then it definitely is!

I won't explain what Spring and Spring Boot is all about as there are quite good resources for this available. I assume you have basic knowledge with Spring Boot and Java.

What Library Versions Are In Use?

I'm constantly updating all library version and try to be up-to-date. The source code (including the pom.xml) is publicly available on GitHub.

Can I Get a Discount as a Student?

Yes, just send me and email and attach a confirmation (e.g. a picture of your student identity card or a certificate of enrollment for this year) and I'll send you a personalized coupon code.

Where Can I Register?

If you already have an account for my online courses then you can reuse this account. Otherwise create your course account here (no payment info required, just email).

Where Can I Reset My Password or Login?

If you forgot your password or want to reset it, you can request a new password here.

You can either login with your course account inside the course sections or here.

Do You Offer a Multi-User License?

Yes, for sure!

If you are part of a team and want to use this course together with your co-workers, drop me a message and I'll offer you a reduced price per active user.

Do You Offer an Affiliate Program?

Definitely yes!

If you are convinced about the Masterclass and want to earn money while recommending it to your audience, you can join as an affiliate.

You'll earn 30% commission for each sale that was made with your link (30 days cookie period).

Can I Watch a Demo Lesson?

Yes, indeed.

Simply subscribe to the newsletter and I'll send you four lessons from four different modules.

The Mission Behind This Masterclass

I strongly believe this online course can have a big impact on the overall quality of the applications we write and use. Everybody is benefiting from fewer bugs, fewer outages, and more confidence when pushing changes to production. 

Software is indispensable in our daily life. Let's make it robust, safe, and predictable!

Having interviewed many developers throughout the last years, I can see that basic testing techniques are something that almost every junior developer lacks. University does not prepare you for this. Having such skills also uplifts your chances of getting a job

Once you complete the Masterclass, you'll become better at testing, and enrich your engineering skills. Furthermore, your coworkers' skills will also benefit once you apply the learned techniques to your projects. Win-win!

Let's spread the news that testing can be fun and is an essential skill for every engineer who takes their work seriously.

Your instructor,


Not Convinced Yet? Watch the Preview Lessons

Copyright  2024 - rieckpil
