Get a Full Overview of the Java Testing Ecosystem

Enrich your existing Java testing toolbox and explore Java's mature and comprehensive testing ecosystem.

UPDATE: The work on the third version of the eBook, adding the remaining ten testing tools (30/30) has started. The release is expected for Q1/2024.

 » Make sure to grab your PDF copy for a reduced price during the early access phase.

Java Testing Toolbox Cover

If All You Have Is a Hammer, 

Everything Looks Like a Nail.

The Java testing ecosystem is huge. Over the years, a lot of libraries have emerged, especially for niche areas. This book aims to cover all testing tools & libraries that should be part of your testing toolbox as a Java Developer. Each tool/library is present with a standardized approach:

Fact Sheet + Tool/Library Setup (Maven & Gradle) + Most Common Use Cases

The book follows the Pareto principle a showcases 20% of the features you use 80% of the time.

... there's more to testing Java applications than JUnit & Mockito:

Test Frameworks

Overview of the different Java test frameworks and how they emerged.

Assertion Libraries

Discover different assertion libraries for your test outcome and JSON and XML payloads.

Mocking Frameworks

There's more to mock than collaborators of your class under test.

Infrastructure Libraries

Start Docker containers for your tests, access and control browsers for your end-to-end tests, etc.


Different tools & libraries for various purposes: e.g. contract testing, AI-generated tests, etc.

Performance Testing

How does your application perform under load? Measure what matters with the right tools.

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Your Book Author:

Philip (rieckpil)

Philip is an independent IT-Consultant living in Berlin. He started working with Java back in 2015 and has used it together with Spring Boot for multiple applications in several industries. Testing is an integral part of his daily work as he is a profound craftsman.

Once Philip understood the ins and outs of the Java testing landscape, writing tests makes as much fun as writing production code for him. He's also a won around TDD (Test Driven Development) practitioner and regularly shares testing techniques among his colleagues and clients.

He started teaching Java topics on YouTube in 2018 and is writing content about the Java ecosystem on his blog since 2017.

More than 1.000 course students have enrolled for his online courses. Besides that, he's also actively helping developers on Stack Overflow with their questions around testing Java applications.

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30 Tools Is Just The Beginning

Get an overview of the different testing tools & libraries that this book covers. 

The different icons indicate the current status of the library:

  • Already available in the current iteration of the book
  • Planned for the next release
  • Placeholder for new Testing tools for future releases
Testing Tools & Libraries Overview and Backlog

Test Frameworks

  • JUnit 5 
  • TestNG
  • JGiven
  • JUnit 4
  • Spock
  • ...

Assertion Libraries

  • AssertJ
  • Hamcrest
  • JSONAssert
  • JsonPath
  • XMLUnit
  • REST Assured

Mocking Frameworks

  • Mockito
  • MockWebServer
  • ...
  • WireMock
  • ...
  • ...

Test Infrastructure

  • Testcontainers
  • Microshed Testing
  • GreenMail
  • LocalStack
  • Selenide
  • Selenium


  • Instancio
  • ArchUnit
  • PIT
  • Pact
  • Diffblue
  • Awaitility

Performance Testing

  • JMH
  • Gatling
  • ApacheBench
  • JfrUnit
  • ...
  • ....

... your favorite library or tools is missing? Drop me an email.

Do you want to contribute a chapter for your most favorite Java testing library? Reach out :)

Here’s what people are saying about

the Java Testing Toolbox

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R@¯/_ @r_0_z_

I’ve just had a look for 15mins, it’s decent for sure, awesome work mate!

Look forward to more coming.

on Twitter

Harpal Singh

Harpal SinghDoe @harpalrtu

Contents looks awesome !!

I don't remember any book having latest list of all the tools and libraries for java testing !!

All the very best !!!

on Twitter

Anbu Sampath

Anbu Sampath @anbusampath

Must have book for Java developer who are looking for enhance their testing skills!!!!

on Twitter

Duke's gonna fix it!

Explore the Java Testing Ecosystem with right-sized introductions to the various tools and libraries.

Get Your Copy of the Java Testing Toolbox eBook

Java Testing Toolbox Cover

eBook Edition


Free Updates on new Testing tools

Covering Common & niche testing tools

Hands-On and Beginner-Friendly Introduction to various testing frameworks and libraries

Currently covered Testing Tools: 21/30

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