Essential Learning Resources for Jakarta EE & Java EE

Java EE 8 Cookbook: Build reliable applications with the most robust and mature technology for enterprise development

Great book from Elder Moraes with simple quick starts to nearly all Java EE 8 specs. Optimal for beginner to get in touch with the several specifications.

» Actionable information on the new features of Java EE 8
» Using the most important APIs with real and working code
» Building Reactive application by joining Java EE APIs and core Java features

Architecting Modern Java EE Applications: Designing lightweight, business-oriented enterprise applications in the age of cloud, containers, and Java EE 8

Sebastian Daschner is covering architecture, development & deployment for Java/Jakarta EE applications in a cloud-native way.

» Design and structure application architectures
» Discover how to realize technical and cross-cutting aspects
» Realize zero-dependency, 12-factor, and Cloud-native applications

The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8: Building Web Applications with JavaServer Faces
Must read for JSF developer from Bauke Scholtz and Arjan Tijms. Whether or not you are a beginner or more advanced you'll learn a lot about JSF.

»  Leverage the new features in JSF 2.3 in your existing applications
»  Work with the different ways of mapping requests to JSF, make your application use extensionless URLs, and programmatically inspect which resources are present in your application
»  Master the best practices for web application development and see which are obsolete

High-Performance Java Persistence
JPA bible from Vlad Mihalcea. Whether you face JPA performance issues or want to get deeper Hibernate and JPA understandings, Vlad will ensure you get the most of your persistence layer.

» All about JDBC and the database fundamentals that are of paramount importance when reducing transaction response times

» Master connection management, batch updates, statement caching, result set fetching and database transactions

» Learn about the most efficient Hibernate mappings (basic types, associations, inheritance), fetching best practices, caching and concurrency control mechanisms

Java EE 8 Design Patterns and Best Practices: Build enterprise-ready scalable applications with architectural design patterns

Rhuan Rocha and Joao Purificacao cover a lot of architectural design patterns for your Java EE 8 enterprise application and help you build scalable and long-living applications.

» Get involved with asynchronous EJB methods and REST services
» Involve key patterns in the adoption of microservices architecture
» Manage performance and scalability for enterprise-level applications

Java EE 8 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Solution-focused Java EE 8 recipes four your enterprise application from Josh Juneau.

» Teaches how to develop RESTful enterprise applications quickly using the most current Java EE technologies
» Explores different solutions for developing sophisticated web user interfaces
» Walks you through a myriad of different concepts to apply while working with databases using Java technologies

Best resources for each specification


Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) enables your objects to have their dependencies provided to them automatically. Latest CDI version is 2.0.

  • Official Java EE 8 CDI tutorial
  • Homepage of the reference implementation Weld
  • Latest Weld documentation
  • Adam Bien's YouTube video about CDI
  • NEW: Pro CDI 2 in Java EE 8 book


Java API for RESTful services (JAX-RS) provides support for creating web services according the REST architectural pattern. Latest JAX-RS version is 2.1

  • JAX-RS 2.1 specification document
  • Homepage of the refernce implementation Jersey
  • A little REST with JAX-RS 2.0 on YouTube


The Java Persistence API (JPA) is a Java specification that describes the management of relational data in applications (ORM). Latest JPA version is 2.2.

YouTube channels to follow

Website references

Manage your application server with ease

For a quick reference to manage and configure the major application servers, have a look at the #CHEATSHEET which helps you with the following tasks:

  • Configure JDBC data sources
  • Configure the application server
  • Overview of the used implementations for the major specifications
  • Quickstart tutorial for running as Docker container
  • Vendor-specific information

Must-follow Twitter handles

  • Jakarta Blogs (@JakartaEEBlogs): Collection point of Java/Jakarta EE blogs
  • Jakarta EE (@jakartaEE): Jakarta EE community account
  • Java EE Guardians (@javaee_guardian): Java EE community account
  • Eclipse MicroProfile (@MicroProfileIO): MicroProfile community account
  • Steve Millidge (@l33tj4v4): Payara founder
  • Eclipse Foundation (@EclipseFdn): Official Eclipse account
  • Emily Jiang (@emilyfhjang): MicroProfile, Java, Jakarta EE conference speaker
  • Elder Moraes (@elderjava): Java EE book author
  • Java LibHunt (@JavaLibHunt): Weekly Java newsletter
  • Jason Greene (@jtgreene): Quarkus Co-Founder and former WildFly project lead
  • Reza Rahman (@reza_rahman): Java EE enthusiast

Make sure to also have a look at the Essential Java & Spring Developer Resources
